Book Creation for Thought Leaders

Nonfiction Author Services
These author services are made available to a limited number of authors each year and are specific to nonfiction. See the next section for my fiction services. I usually work with my nonfiction authors from concept to publication whether they publish under another publishing company, self-publish or publish through my company.
Nonfiction Author Services are referral only, whereas the Fiction Services below are open to the public. Referrals must come from one of my authors, a publisher I work with, or from someone I have known for more than five years. I do not respond to random people from the internet for the nonfiction side of my business.

Clients have appeared on the following US Major media outlets as well as countless others both in the US and Internationally.
Book Concept Consulting
Book Coaching
Editing (development/copy edit/proofing)
Book Production (Print, ebook, audio)
International publication and distribution
Marketing Services (website, socials, press releases, full electronic press kits)
Fiction Services
I work exclusively in the following genres:

Women's Fiction
Read & Evaluate - an overview of where the book stands and what needs to be done ($.07 Per word, $500 minimum)
Developmental Edit - Intense evaluation of the work in key areas such as Pacing, Character Development, Point of View, Plot Development, Market Fit, and many others. ($.10 per word $1000 minimum)

Book Coaching & Critique
1 on 1 sessions to read and critique your work at any stage of the writing process
Coaching through the development process as you work through your plot
Accountability and Goal Setting
Packages Available for ONE HOUR weekly sessions: 1 ($99), 4($349), 8 ($649) or 12 ($899)
Marketing Consulting & Advice Sessions
Websites for Authors
Social Media & Online Advertising
Email List Creation/Management
Media Kit Creation & Media Training

Evaluation & Edit
